...Accrediting for entrepreneurial excellence and leadership
ACEEE accreditation is oriented towards students, business and academic partners, higher education staff, the wider community and society. We engage with people, propel innovation and tertiary institution transformation, and foster the process of improvement to the same degree as the status.
ACEEE focuses on promoting entrepreneurial and engaged capacity as executed by the entire tertiary institution, thus unlocking the true institutional potential, fostering the creation of more employable and responsible graduates and facilitating linkages with and the wide-ranging impact on other societal actors and entities surrounding the tertiary institution.
Aiming for ACEEE accreditation creates a mutual goal and requires collaborative efforts, allowing institutions to initiate and support the process of reconstructing or changing the culture across the organisation.
Through the accreditation procedures, the results and derived recommendations your institution gains significant insights into its current entrepreneurship and enterprise education practice, ultimately enabling you to make more informed decisions, and to improve your institution’s performance.
ACEEE accreditation advertises both your commitment and excellence. ACEEE accreditation gives a clear message to your current and future students, business and academic partners, employees and funding bodies “what you are”, an entrepreneurial tertiary institution.