...Accrediting for entrepreneurial excellence and leadership
Our accreditation activities are led by six (6) accreditation commissions. These commissions are responsible for reviewing educational programmes and making the final accreditation decision for each programme.
• Each commission is led by an executive committee that includes a chair, chair-elect, past-chair, vice chair of operations and members-at-large.
• Each member society is entitled to have at least one member on each commission that reviews programmes in disciplines for which that member society has primary responsibility. In addition, some member societies do not have responsibilities for any programmes but still have representatives on the commissions related to their interests. For example, the Institute of Classic Entrepreneurship, Nigeria nominates an individual to serve on the Entrepreneurship Accreditation Commission.
• Each commission has a public commissioner, an individual who is not affiliated with the fields that ACEEE accredits through either practice or training.
• Each of the six (6) Area Delegation Directors serves as a liaison between their respective commission and the Board of Directors.
• The six (6) commissions include:
1. Entrepreneurship Accreditation Commission (EAC) – From Institute of Classic Entrepreneurship, Nigeria (ICENT)
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Accreditation Commission (EIMAC) – From The Global Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (GAEIN)
3. MSME Creation and Management Accreditation Commission (MCMAC) – From African Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ACSBE)
4. Science, Engineering and Technology Entrepreneurship Accreditation Commission (SETEAC) – From Academy of Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (ATIME)
5. Women Entrepreneurship Accreditation Commission (WEAC) – International Institute of Female Entrepreneurship (IIFEM)
6. Youth Entrepreneurship Accreditation Commission (YEAC) – From Institute of Youth Entrepreneurship and Leadership (IYEL/YELEAD)