+2348023520943|+2348131570552| +256772625391


---retooling entrepreneurship for inclusive and sustainable prosperity

(The First “Quadruple - ISO Certified” Academy in Africa - ISO 9004:2018 | ISO 56002:2019 | ISO 29993: 2017 | ISO 29994: 2021 Certified)


Membership benefits

By becoming a member of GLACENT you start to be part of the large and most qualified global community of entrepreneurship experts, with long traditions and highest academic standards. GLACENT offers you numerous benefits in terms of research, teaching and cooperation at each stage of academic life: for PhD students, early career academics and advanced career scholars. Find out more about YOUR benefits by clicking on one of the items below.

Benefits for PhD students


Possibility to attend high-quality research driven GLACENT flagship conferences: ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT

Possibility to attend the full-day GLACENT Doctoral Workshop in association with the ACCENT conference each year

Opportunity to compete for the Best Doctoral Proposal Award, the OON Award for the Best Conference Paper, and the JEINNO Best Paper Award on Critical Perspectives in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Research

Publishing opportunities in JEINNO

Access to GLACENT co-branded events and GLACENT Webinars, including webinars devoted to PhD students’ needs

Financial Advantage

Reduced fees for GLACENT membership

Reduced registration fees to ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT conferences

Opportunity to apply for the GLACENT Research Event Fund

Reduced registration fees to selected international conferences (for example ICSB and many others)

Discounts on selected books and journals

Career And Networking

Creating a network of PhD members that continues after ACCENT and ACESB conferences

Opportunity of creating or being part of one of GLACENT SIGs

Access to read and contribute to the GLACENT Research Blog

Access to career service – job announcements


Access to the series of Case Studies for Entrepreneurship Teaching restricted to GLACENT members only

Professional development and sharing of teaching practice at AGLEEDS

Benefits for Early Career Academics


Possibility to attend high-quality research driven GLACENT flagship conferences: ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT

Possibility to attend the GLACENT Post-doc paper development workshop at the ACESB conference

Opportunity to compete for the Best Doctoral Proposal Award, the OON Award for the Best Conference Paper, and the JEINNO Best Paper Award on Critical Perspectives in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Research

Publishing opportunities in JEINNO

Access to GLACENT co-branded events and GLACENT Webinars, including webinars devoted to PhD students’ needs

Financial Advantage

Reduced fees for GLACENT membership

Reduced registration fees to ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT conferences

Opportunity to apply for the GLACENT Research Event Fund

Reduced registration fees to selected international conferences (for example ICSB and many others)

Discounts on selected books and journals

Career And Networking

Possibility to attend the GLACENT Early Career Mentoring Programme as a mentee

Possibility to attend the GLACENT Mid-career consortium held during the ACEMASD conference

Opportunity of creating or being part of one of GLACENT SIGs

Possibility to attend Professional Development Workshops at ACCENT and ACESB conferences

Access to read and contribute to the GLACENT Research Blog and Access to the GLACENT career service – job announcements


Access to the series of Case Studies for Entrepreneurship Teaching restricted to GLACENT members only

Professional development and sharing of teaching practice at AGLEEDS

Benefits for Advanced Career Scholars


Possibility to attend high-quality research driven GLACENT flagship conferences: ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT

Possibility to attend the GLACENT Post-doc paper development workshop at the ACESB conference

Opportunity to compete for the Best Doctoral Proposal Award, the OON Award for the Best Conference Paper, and the JEINNO Best Paper Award on Critical Perspectives in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Research

Publishing opportunities in JEINNO

Access to GLACENT co-branded events and GLACENT Webinars, including webinars devoted to PhD students’ needs

Financial Advantage

Reduced fees for GLACENT membership

Reduced registration fees to ACCENT, ACESB, ACEMASD,ACHENT, ACCBENT conferences

Opportunity to apply for the GLACENT Research Event Fund

Reduced registration fees to selected international conferences (for example ICSB and many others)

Discounts on selected books and journals

Career And Networking

Opportunity to become an GLACENT Fellow

Possibility to attend the GLACENT Mid-career consortium held during the ACEMASD conference

Opportunity of creating or being part of one of GLACENT SIGs

Possibility to attend Professional Development Workshops at ACCENT and ACESB conferences

Access to read and contribute to the GLACENT Research Blog and Access to the GLACENT career service – job announcements


Access to the series of Case Studies for Entrepreneurship Teaching restricted to GLACENT members only

Professional development and sharing of teaching practice at AGLEEDS

GLACENT Membership Types


Student Membership

1. Undergraduate students who have been admitted to candidacy may be admitted as student members for a period of not more than five years after admission to candidacy.

Associate Membership

1. Only holders of master’s degrees in entrepreneurship, innovation and small business shall be eligible for membership.
2. The Academy may define other associated/allied areas from time to time.
3. Seasoned managers who possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and who have attained the status of at least Director of recognised companies shall also be eligible for membership. .

Full Membership

1. Only holders of doctorate degrees in in entrepreneurship, innovation and small business shall be eligible for membership.
2. The Academy may define other associated/allied areas from time to time.
3. Academics without doctorate degrees but who attain the status of tenured Professor in any of the areas of entrepreneurship and management as defined in this constitution may be eligible for admission to membership.
4. Academics without doctorate degrees but who attain the status of a director of entrepreneurship development centres may be eligible for admission to membership.
5. Seasoned managers who possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and who have attained the status of at least Executive Director of recognised companies shall also be eligible for membership. .

Fellowship/Honourary Fellowship

1. Fellows of the Academy shall be elected from among its members who have made significant contributions to the development of entrepreneurship education and practice;
2. No fellow shall be below the rank of tenured Professor or Chief Executive of a recognised company, provided that in the case of a Chief Executive Officer, he/she must be a holder of a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
3. Honourary Fellowship may be conferred on any distinguished entrepreneurship educator or professional who, in the opinion of the Academy, has contributed significantly to the development of entrepreneurship education and/or practice in the country.
4. Fellows and Honorary Fellows shall be elected from among the list recommended by the Committee. .

Institutional Membership

1. Any tertiary institution offering entrepreneurship programme may be admitted as an institutional member at the departmental, faculty, school or college level, as may be decided by the Academy.
2. Other institutions, such as research institutions, management development institutions and management consultancy institutions that are involved in the development of entrepreneurship education and practice may also be accepted as institutional members. .

Corporate Membership

1. Any organisation practicing entrepreneurship or involving in entrepreneurial advocacy may be admitted as a corporate member.
2. Any organisation in employment of minimum of 20 people for period of not less than 10 years.
3. Other organisations, such as research institutions, entrepreneurship/MSME development organisations, innovation management companies, incubation centres, entrepreneurship development centres and entrepreneurship consultancy organisation may also be accepted as corporate members. .


1 Corporate/ Organisational Membership Entitles an organisation to have membership benefits for a period of 36 months ₦350,000
1 Institutional Membership Entitles an organisation to have membership benefits for a period of 36 months ₦350,000
1 Honourary Fellowship Entitles one person to have to have membership benefits for a period of 36 months. ₦250,000
1 Fellowship Entitles one person to have fellowship benefits for a period of 36 months. ₦210,000
1 Full Membership Fee Entitles one person to have full membership benefits for a period of 36 months. ₦100,000
1 Associate Membership Entitles one person to have associate membership benefits for a period of 36 months. ₦50,000
1 Student Fee Allows the student to receive all other membership benefits except the Journal of Small Business Management and GLACENT Bulletin for the period of 36 months ₦15,000

    The Global Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (GAEIN) is the preeminent international professional association established to promote, advance and update knowledge, business and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation professionals.
  • Administrative Headquarters

    c/o 1 Atandaolu Street, Alafia Estate Ikeja, Ogba, Lagos 100218

    Phone : +2348023520943 | +2348131570552 | +256772625391




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